
Celebrating Women’s History Month


This March, we celebrate Women's History Month—a time to reflect on the achievements, resilience, and lasting impact of women throughout history and in our daily lives. To honor this occasion, we asked our employees three questions about the women who have inspired them, the advice that has shaped them, and how they recognize this important month. Their thoughtful responses highlight the influence of women—past and present—and the many ways we can continue to celebrate their contributions.

What is one piece of advice from a woman in your life that has stuck with you?

Rebecca Laoch, Project Planner: "It's all about relationships." Dr. Pearl Sims, Professor at Vanderbilt University

Rachel Philbrook, Recruiting and Onboarding Specialist: One piece of advice that has stuck with me came from a women’s studies class, where our professor had us look around the room at how people were sitting. The men sprawled out, taking up space, while most of the women made themselves small—legs crossed, arms tucked in, barely using the space they were given. The professor pointed out how we’re often conditioned to take up as little space as possible, both physically and metaphorically. That day, she challenged us to take up space, to own our presence, to make noise, and to stop apologizing for existing. That advice has stuck with me. It’s a reminder to show up fully—whether in a meeting, a conversation, or life itself—because we belong here just as much as anyone else.

How do you celebrate or acknowledge Women’s History Month in your personal or professional life?

Kate Doiron, Senior Data Analyst: I never take for granted the moment in history that allows me to have a career, own my own house, and be responsible for my own finances—sometimes, I feel I am living the dream of my great-great grandmothers

Has there been a woman in history who has inspired you and why?

Abbi Russell, Principal Communications Specialist: Mary Breckinridge served as a public health nurse during World War I and founded the Frontier Nursing Service in 1920s rural Kentucky. The FNS employed nurse-midwives who rode on horseback across all terrains, in all weather, to reach families and save lives in the poorest and most remote areas of this region. Mary was the original "angel on horseback" for the FNS and originally funded it herself. Within five years, the FNS grew to serve more than 1,000 rural families in a 700-square-mile area.


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Published March 17, 2025Culture