Meet Charles Rynerson, Senior Data Analyst

Where are you from and where do you live now?
I grew up in inner NE Portland, less than a mile from our Portland office. I now live in outer NE Portland, about 5 miles from the office.
What do you do at FLO?
I’m a demographer, helping clients understand the impacts of population and housing trends. Most of my current work involves enrollment projections for K-12 school districts.
What’s rewarding about your job?
I’m fascinated by cities and towns, large and small, and I get to learn about them through data, maps, interviews, news items, and planning documents. When clients know that I’ve gained an understanding of their community, they are more confident of the results of my research.
Why is what you do important?
Our research brings together people who may have different perspectives and motives to make decisions about how to allocate resources and to work toward common goals that benefit their communities.
What strengths do you bring to your work?
Experience from many years working in the field of applied demography, attention to detail, and a passion for learning about people and places.
What’s the best advice you’ve received from a work colleague?
When preparing reports for a general audience, avoid jargon and be succinct and not too technical.
If you were not a data analyst, what would you be?
A librarian or teacher. I enjoy helping people access information.
What’s on your bucket list?
Travel. Anywhere, near or far.
What was your favorite childhood movie/TV show?
I was a cartoon fan. As a very young child I loved Gumby, and later I became a fan of Warner Brothers, especially the irreverent Daffy Duck. In grade school every kid had a metal lunch box and thermos set. Mine featured the Road Runner.