April 14th Workshop at Northwest Land Camp
It’s been said that a picture is worth a thousand words, so imagine the type of information that your organization can convey with interactive web maps that allow you to collaborate with partners and share your success stories! New tools from Esri and ArcGIS Online provide numerous options for sharing, collaborating, and interacting in mobile and online map environments.
Come join us for a workshop at the Northwest Land Camp in April where we’ll be exploring how you can leverage these tools to take donors or your board on site specific map based tours, ask volunteers to contribute wildlife sightings, and see their information dynamically update in real time. These tools also allow you to create story maps with rich multi-media content, including images and video to highlight your accomplishments and share with the public.
Land Camp is the biggest land conservation training and networking event in the Pacific Northwest and brings together over 120 Northwest land trust leaders to develop the knowledge, skills and connections to build a stronger force for conservation.
Hosted by the Coalition of Oregon Land Trusts and the Washington Association of Land Trusts, Land Camp 2015 will take place at the Menucha Retreat in the beautiful Columbia Gorge on April 13th -15th.