aerial view of Mukilteo

Mukilteo GIS Assessment and Strategic Plan

Client Name

City of Mukilteo

Related Sector

The City of Mukilteo, with a population of about 21,000, provides a range of services to residents, including police, fire, street, community development, and parks and recreation. The City had grown its GIS program internally and was interested in developing a strategic plan to ensure that it could make the most of its resources and identify requirements in advance. The strategic plan encompassed a six-year horizon and included an Enterprise GIS implementation component. 

FLO began work with the City offering GIS support and helping the city develop a GIS Strategic plan. FLO’s team conducted a comprehensive GIS needs assessment for the City of Mukilteo to objectively evaluate their current use of GIS, identify opportunities and benefits, and develop a plan for implementing an Enterprise GIS system. Working with a wide variety of staff from multiple departments, the FLO team looked at software, hardware, personnel resources, spatial data repositories, procedures, departmental workflows, and current and future integration opportunities. 

Using the needs assessment results, FLO developed a comprehensive series of recommendations and tasks designed to get the City where it wanted to be with Enterprise GIS while ensuring that future systems could be accommodated. This work formed the basis of the City’s GIS Strategic Plan, allowing them to look ahead at what needed to be done and the resources required to achieve their GIS vision.

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Grant Herbert, GISP
Grant Herbert, GISP
Principal GIS Analyst
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