Lake Boren in Newcastle, Washington

Geospatial Application Development and Esri Enterprise GIS Implementation

Client Name

City of Newcastle

Related Sector

FLO has been working with the City of Newcastle on developing its GIS capacity, beginning with Enterprise GIS Design and Implementation and integration of its GIS data with the Cartegraph asset management system. This included the creation and publication of custom GIS services. We also built out their ArcGIS Online environment and several web GIS applications, including an Open Data Portal and a web map providing as-built document access. FLO delivered extensive training in GIS data editing and data organization to City staff and created well-documented workflows and process documentation, enabling staff to be efficient and build their internal capacity as we continue to support them.

Explore the City’s open data portal here:

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Contact Us!

Thank you for your interest in FLO! Whether you are looking to inquire about a project or are interested in learning more about our services, please reach out to the FLO team!

Grant Herbert, GISP
Grant Herbert, GISP
Principal GIS Analyst
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