a night sky in Arizona

Data Stories for the League of Arizona Cities and Towns: Tackling Housing Challenges and Communicating the Value of the League

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League of Arizona Cities and Towns

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The League of Arizona Cities and Towns promotes municipal independence and provides professional assistance to the municipal governments in the state of Arizona. The League realized Arizona municipalities were facing expectations from their constituents to deal with housing challenges, including lack of housing stock and a need for more affordable housing. FLO worked with the League to design an informative and visually captivating data story using ArcGIS StoryMaps, detailing several myths and facts about housing challenges in Arizona and what municipalities can do to help. The data story featured videos, links, and several spotlights on municipalities that were tackling housing challenges in positive ways—from setting standards to improve cities, to streamlining permitting processes. The League uses the data story to provide their members with a public outreach tool to both educate their constituents and encourage them to speak with their legislators about housing issues.

Following the success of the housing data story, FLO worked with the League again to develop a new data story, this time to educate both members and legislators with a data story called The Value of the League. The data story describes in detail the work that the League does both for its member municipalities and work that benefits legislative staff. The data story includes sections for legislative work, publications, policy groups, legal work, conferences, and leveraged services, interspersed with compelling photos, videos, and custom graphics. It acts as a repository of the important work the League does, and helps staff quickly respond to questions about the value of the League.

"FLO has exceeded our expectations, creating compelling and informative data stories with excellent graphics that represent the interests of our municipalities and help our members educate their constituents."
Tom Belshe, Executive Director, League of Arizona Cities and Towns

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Kate Doiron
Kate Doiron
Senior GIS Analyst