Program Analysis and Placement

Providing students equitable access to advanced courses and special programs is an important part of our mission. For many reasons, it is difficult for school districts to determine how to create equitable programmatic opportunities for all students, specifically, where to place special programs based on where current and future students reside.
FLO’s team of former education leaders have experience creating equitable course and program offerings in districts of all sizes and demographic makeups. We work with district leaders to identify the advanced courses and special programs to include in the equity study and then our GIS analysts identify areas of the district that have high or low concentrations of advanced courses and special programs compared to overall student population in those areas. We produce easy-to-understand maps and graphics that clearly show where there are high/low concentrations of students compared to high/low concentrations of special programs.

We can dive deeper into course and program enrollment and analyze the demographics of these courses and programs to determine whether the student demographic makeup is similar to the general student population and where there may be programs with disproportionate representation of certain subgroups. We have partnerships with education nonprofit organizations that specialize in student programming and equitable access to analyze a district’s advanced course and special program enrollment policies and procedures and include recommendations for revising them to increase educational equity and promote diversity.
" I appreciated the partnership with which I worked with FLO. It was more productive because of that feeling of partnership that permeated the work."