K–12 Education Policy: Research, Analysis, and Development

Education policy is the cornerstone of education practice. As former school district and state education agency leaders, we understand the significant impact of policy and the importance of getting it right. At FLO, our policy experts provide objective education policy research and analysis to inform processes at the state, district, and school levels. Our equity and student-focused mission and knowledge of education policies at all levels from our work with districts across the nation position us as excellent partners to develop effective policies that are research-based, reflect a keen understanding of education practice, and incorporate stakeholder input to build buy-in and prevent unintended consequences. Examples of education policy areas that we specialize in are:
- School attendance area development and redistricting (e.g., boundary adjustments)
- Board of education redistricting
- School capacity and utilization
- Educational equity
- Special program placement, implementation, and access
- Student assignment and choice (e.g., controlled open enrollment plans)
- School consolidations
We have partnerships with leading nonprofit education organizations, community engagement experts, and architecture firms that can provide additional expertise in these areas. Whether you are looking for a synthesis of policies on a particular topic, want to develop new policies, or need support understanding and developing policies that comply with new state or federal laws or rules, we can partner with you to develop an efficient process tailored for your state or district’s specific goals.