Enrollment Forecasting

FLO makes sure your enrollment forecast foundation is strong because our skilled demographers and data analysts use the most reliable data possible as well as proven models and methodologies. Our demographers routinely use national and regional population and socioeconomic data in combination with local information to consider enrollment from various angles and create highly reliable population estimates and projections. Our demography team considers each forecasting project as a unique case, tailoring the forecasting methods and data sources to create the most accurate forecasts possible.
What Our Enrollment Forecasts Can Help You Do
- Prevent imbalanced school enrollment: Spot trends that may lead to over- or underenrolled schools before an imbalance occurs.
- Determine special program placement: Uncover student population trends to inform how you allocate program resources across your district.
- Plan for grade configuration changes: Reconfigure grades and feeder systems to balance school enrollment and meet the needs of your parent and student community.
- Redraw school boundaries: Support your attendance area boundary updates with student enrollment data tailored to your community and your specific boundary planning needs.
- Consolidate, expand, or open schools: Inform your long-range facility planning with enrollment forecasts that tell you how and where your student population will change over time.
- Capital facilities planning: Decide what to build, where to build it, and when to run bond elections to pay for it with forecasts that can inform facility expansion projects.
"I am thankful for the partnership and appreciated working with the FLO Analytics team. They were easy to work with, collaborative (even when they were talking about data-heavy processes), and the presentation they made to our Executive Team was well received. I would like to ensure that NCSD is in the queue for annual enrollment forecasts moving forward. "